Syllabus Building

New faculty and GTAs enrolled in the practicum are required to use the standard syllabus, which follows the Teachers’ Guide. Continuing teachers may design their own syllabus as long as they achieve the course learning outcomes.

Everyone should use the FWP policies contained in these documents. The Teachers’ Guide contains descriptions of the assignments, policies, and a weekly guide. Please download and keep this version for yourself.

The Standard Syllabus contains the course policies and course calendar. Please edit the policy sections highlighted in yellow and the course calendar, consulting the Teachers’ guide for detailed suggestions. Remove the highlighting before distributing to students.

If you have trouble opening the links, copy the link address and paste into a new tab. The file should then download. Please consult the Teachers’ Guide when customizing your policies and course calendar.

EN 103 Teachers’ Guide Fall 2024

EN 103 Standard Syllabus Fall 2024 MWF

EN 103 Standard Syllabus Fall 2024 MW

EN 103 Standard Syllabus Fall 2024 TR

If you are assigned to teach EN 101, 102, 120, or 121, please see the following for suggested essays and activities. Consult the current standard syllabus for updated policies and dates.

EN 102 Standard Syllabus Spring 2024 MWF Teacher Version

EN 102 Standard Syllabus Spring 2024 MWF Version to edit for students

EN 102 Standard Syllabus Spring 2024 TR Teacher Version

EN 102 Standard Syllabus Spring 2024 TR Version to edit for students

EN 101 Standard Syllabus Fall 2023 MWF  (required for EN 533)

EN 101 Standard Syllabus Fall 2023 TR (required for EN 533)

You can view past syllabi via myBama.

Procedure: Log into myBama; click on faculty or student tab. Under Banner Self-Service, click on ‘Class Schedule.’ Choose a fall or spring term. Submit. Under ‘subject,’ click on English, and enter ‘101,’ ‘102,’ ‘103,’or ‘104’ immediately below as the ‘Course.’ Scroll down, and click on ‘Class search.’ You’ll now be able to scroll through all courses offered that term and select syllabi. (Some syllabi may show a ‘log in to view additional content’ tab; you will need to click on it to view the entire doc).

Each teacher must upload the accurate syllabus (policies and calendar) for each of their sections to the University’s Simple Syllabus system and then link that syllabus to the course Blackboard page. These syllabi are evaluated for program requirements and used in SACS accreditation records. The syllabus uploaded to Simple Syllabus and the syllabus given to students must be the same.

How to Access Simple Syllabus

Instructions for Simple Syllabus